Tank Volume Calculator in VB Macros
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This is a simple application which is done in Microsoft Office Exel using Visual Basic Commands..The volume of a tank can be calculated using this application....


This article is about the project named "Tank Volume Calculator",which I have done in Microsoft Office Excel. Most Excel users are not familiar with the function "Macro" in Microsoft Office Excel.We can use Visual Basic Commands in excel to create attractive and useful applications,this is done by using the function Macro.here I am publishing a simple application which is created using macro option.This application simply calculates the volume of a tank and display the result.

Screen Shot


This article assumes that you have some basic knowledge in Microsoft excel and Visual Basic.

Using the Project

Before doing or editing a project in Macro you should activate macro and explore the developer tab first. 
After taking Developer tab,Select the “Microsoft Office” button and  click “Excel option”.Then select the option “Advanced” and choose “Show developer tab” option.Select “Trust Centre”, click “Trust Centre Settings” and choose Macro Settings. Select “Enable all macros” and click “Trust Access to VBA project object model” option.Then Select OK button.

To Run Macro,go to the developer tab and select Macro. Run macro by clicking the “Run” button. Edit macro: select “Step into” button, the desired VBA code will be opened for editing the selected macro.

Points of Interest

The basic features used in this project are:  Macro, VBA, Module,Workbook, Sheet, Cell,Developer Tab,Insert Controls,Microsoft Excel 2007.


06/07/2012 - Article Created

Please download the source code form the below link and try experimenting with the source code.

Tank Volume Calculator Source

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